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Understanding Procedure Results

Understanding Your Results

You've received your results but what does it all mean? Click the appropriate topics to help get your questions answered. You may find that the topics listed below as well as other tools available on the internet will answer any questions you may have. 


Remember: We will always be here for you! If you have any further questions about your results, or would like to schedule an appointment with the doctor, please call the office at 609-882-2185.

  • What is Dysphagia?
    Difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia) means it takes more time and effort to move food or liquid from your mouth to your stomach. Dysphagia may be associated with pain. In some cases, swallowing may be impossible. Occasional difficulty swallowing, which may occur when you eat food too fast or dont chew your food well enough, usually isn't cause for concern. But, persistant dysphagia may indicate a serious medical condition requiring treatment. Dysphadia can occur at any age, but it's more common in older adults. The cases of swallowing problems vary, and treatment depends on the case.
  • What is GERD?
    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive disease. GERD occurs when stomach acid or, occasionally, stomach content, flows back into your food pipe (esophagus). The backwash (reflux) irritates the lining of your esophagus and cuases esophagitis and can lead to Barrett's esophagus disease.
  • What is a Polyp?
    A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that form on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are harmless, but over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer which is fatal when found in it's later stages. When found early, colon polyps can be removed often easily and completely.
  • What is Hemorrhoids?
    Hemorrhoids are dilated vascular channels that are a normal part of the human anatomy. When hemorrhoids become inflamed and engorged, they become symptomatic, a condition called hemorrhoidal disease. Internal hemorrhoids are located at the distal end of the rectum. External hemorrhoids are located in the anal canal itself. Hemorrhoidal symptoms occur more frequently in people who have constipation and straining on hard stools. The straining leads to prolapse in the vascular cushions. Hamorrhoidal disease occurs in 10-25% of the adult population. Symptoms are more common in older individuals from age 45 to 65.
  • What is Diverticulosis
    Diverticulosis desease of the colon (also called diverticular desease) refers to pockets or small hernias of the colon wall (intestine). The majority of patients with diverticulosis have no sympoms, others may have mild abnormalities of the bowl function such as cramps, bloating, diarrhea or passage of pellet-like stool. Colonoscopy and barium enema are procedures that can find and diagnose diverticulosis. Complications of diverticulosis include infection or massive bleeding from the rectum.
  • What is Diverticulitis?
    While diverticulosis suggests the presence of hernias on the colon wall, diverticulitis is an infection and inflamation of the diverticulum. Patients with diverticulitis will experience abdominal pain, usually in the left lower abdomen. Many patients will have a fever, some will have chills, nausiam vomiting, back pain or diarrhea. CT Scans of the abdomen is the preffered diagnostic test for diverticulitis. CT Scans may show thickening of the colon, infmammatory changes around the colon, inclammatory changes around the colon or abscess.
  • What is Barrett's Disease?
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3100 Princeton Pike Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 - Building 4 Suite C

Tel: 609-882-2185

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